The First BRITACEG Training Session held in Kazakhstan: Round Table Meeting on the topic “Transfer Pricing: International Standards and National Legislation”


In the age of digital economy globalization, Kazakhstan is committed to the formation of a high-quality regulatory framework and compliance with international standards.

At present, in a number of international projects in which Kazakhstan is actively involved, it is necessary to note the tax policies’ prominent achievements.


Therefore, in April 2019, during the First BRITACOF held in Wuzhen, China, it was decided to start the operation of the Belt and Road Initiative Regional Tax Center in the city of Nur-Sultan on the basis of the State Revenue Committee Training Methodological Center of the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Kazakhstan.


From November 28th to 29th of 2019, the Committee, together with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, held a Round Table Meeting on the topic "Transfer Pricing: International Standards and National Legislation” with the participation of Belt and Road Initiative Russian-speaking countries’ tax administrations in the Regional Tax Center of Nur-Sultan with the BRITACʘM Secretariat's support.



On the November 28th, a round table meeting was opened with a welcome speech by the Deputy Chairman of the State Revenue Committee, Mr. Zhaidar Inkerbaev and Ms. Gulzhan Almaganbetova, acting Chairperson of the Judicial Board of the Supreme Court.


The constantly evolving economic trend calls for transfer pricing innovation. This Round Table Meeting demonstrated to neighboring countries the experience of Kazakhstan in implementing the recommendations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, strengthening professional ties and improving the business environment.



News origin

Круглый стол на тему Трансфертное ценообразование: международные стандарты и национальное законодательство проводится в Нур-Султане




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